So, who am I?

I guess I can be kind of weird about my name. If I don't know you in real life, then I don't want you calling me by my real name. For people online, I am Lectro, though you could call me LectroNyx or Lec. People have given me other nicknames as well, but I try not to encourage that too much.
I was born in Detroit on March 29th, 1997. I lived there until I was 19 years old, at which point, I moved to Florida due to family issues. As of 2022, I remain in Florida, and I really don't like that. Florida is my personal hell, and the absolute buffoons in our government who are trying to run the state while sharing a single communal brain cell are only making things worse. I don't know where I should be, but I know it's not here..
Despite my chosen pseudonym, "Nyx." being an effeminate name, I was assigned male at birth. If I have a gender, it's male - but I'm not really sure gender's actually important anyway. Like, who gives a fuck? Gender's a confusing wreck. I prefer he/him or they/them pronouns, though. She/her is just odd to use, and it/its is pretty fucking offensive.
I'm torn on whether or not I want to come off as a friendly and approachable person here. I know, that sounds weird, but hear me out. I am an incredibly opinionated person who struggles to understand his own emotions and those of the people around him. I'm a fiery, heated, passionate person. On one hand, I care more about the people close to me than I do myself or my own wellbeing. On the other hand, I've been known to make people upset or angry and not have a single regret about it because of the sort of person they were. I don't care at all about the feelings of people who would actively try to make the lives of my friends, family, or self miserable. Bible-thumpers and far-right Republicans are more than welcome to fuck off.

I am not posting a photo of myself here. If you want one of those, then you can get to know me elsewhere and find a face reveal. Not here, though. However, it does seem to provide people a sense of comfort having a face to tie do the name, so I guess you can use this demon or Morello from Imperial Reach. Who knows? Who cares.
Don't fuck with me if you don't want to find out.
But enough talking about that sort of thing. Being so... reflective is utterly depressing, like, let's be real here. As of just recently turning 25 years old, my favorite video games of all time are, in order of console release (and then game release - also, listing PC games last):
- Fire Emblem: Thracia 775 (Super Nintendo)
- GoldenEye 007 (Nintendo 64), Perfect Dark (Nintendo 64)
- TimeSplitters 2 (Nintendo GameCube), Fire Emblem, Path of Radiance (Nintendo GameCube), TimeSplitters: Future Perfect (Nintendo GameCube)
- Hotline Miami (PC), Space Station 13 (PC), Tower Unite (PC), Agent 64 (PC)
I've also dabbled a bit with VR! I really like it a lot, honestly.
Call it a hunch, but something tells me this page has enough on it - or maybe I just don't feel like talking so much about myself. Either way, thank you. If you want to contact me, I am LectroNyx on Discord.
2024 update, because I really should: Man. Life gives, and life takes away. I made so many pages on this site that it became legitimately difficult for me to update it. One update to the core structure would result in me having to repeat the same shit over and over and over again on every fucking page, and I'm really not down for that. A lot's changed, so I'm doing small updates every here and there because, really, I might as fucking well. This is supposed to reflect me, but it mostly just reflects how I was two years ago. That doesn't feel right to me. There's some things I'd hidden, like my passion for SS13, that leave me feeling like this all is somehow incomplete. I'm also, somehow, incomplete. Funny how that works, huh? I scored a job and then lost it through my own dipshittery. I'm scraping at the floor in desperation to get back onto my feet after finally getting a taste of happiness. I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore, honestly, but I'm desperate to do something. I've finally found people who I belong with. I can't let time or misfortune take that away from me. I finally have goals, and I can't emotionally or mentally afford to fail them.
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Website content is owned by LectroNyx, the one and only. Imitators best perish and despair. This page was last updated Apr 7, 2024