I like to consider myself a sort of artist.
Unfortunately, people assume artists are just creating visual mediums, specifically through drawing or painting. That's not true at all! I see photographers, chefs, sculptors, musicians, poets, costume designers, video producers, dancers, game developers, and more as artists, as well. Art is the application of our creative skill and imagination, and it shouldn't be so narrowly limited. It's an insult to anyone who does anything creative to deny them of such a label.
This page is where I will be sharing some of my creations - photos of costumes, ZIPs of games, and more. However, it's unlikely I'll actually have everything I make linked here, and it's also unlikely that I'll even try. I expect this page to mainly show things I'm either extremely proud of, or things that would be difficult to share on other platforms (like games). As such, please understand if the content library here is small, inconsistent in medium, seldom updated, and so on. It's not meant to be updated often, just to show off things that I feel deserve it.
Imperial Reach: Vengeful Heart
In the city of Melody, a widowed Argo Stadler seeks to avenge the death of her wife at the hands of the Holiday C Security Co. With the help of a freshly promoted Santana Sade and a team they build together, will she bring justice to the man who killed Guppy - or will she die trying?
Stay tuned for artwork and links to PDFs for the intended reading experience for Vengeful Heart!
The March Home
This will be a really fun one to talk about! This game was designed with the idea of a game that contains its own sequel. The story doesn't end after your first run - using a hidden item will change your next playthrough to reveal the second half! After the first chapter, every chapter has an element of randomness - whether it's picked from a pool of maps or simply has a side objective that's randomly selected. You may also find hidden items that can change future runs by granting more difficulty options, unlocking potential random unit rolls, or even changing the story! This game may be difficult for new players, and is designed with the player losing units in mind. For the best experience, embrace permadeath, and your run will be all the better for it. This game is also designed with multiple playthroughs in mind, and you cannot see everything this game has to offer in just one or two runs - to truly experience everything, you'd need to finish it at least about seven or eight times. Click here to see more about the game on itch.io

Kaz Ordell's Neopets Petpage
Okay, so this is an incredibly fucking lazy inclusion, but I did the creative writing and heavily modified the theme from a petpage template for an RP character. Click here to view lordkassjunior's petpage!

Guild Wars Tactics: Remnant Edition
I worked on this game for... quite a while. I can't really say how long, but I have 4,648.6 hours on the engine as of writing this -- and this project is the only thing I ever actually made in the engine. 4,648.6 hours honestly sounds about right to me. There's a lot of unused content in here, and the game was never finished. I stopped production due to changes in my life, alongside losing contact with the artist and simply burning myself out. While I'd love to resume work on it eventually, I feel like my energy is best spent towards something original. This game is a mix of Guild Wars 2 lore and Fire Emblem-inspired gameplay, and while most of the characters are original to me, there were a couple that were written by friends of mine. Be warned that this game was never fully tested, though it certainly should not be unbeatable - but it may still prove diffiult. Click here to download the game from mega.nz

Noct VPet (GifyPet Mod)
When I first saw a GifyPet on someone else's page, I thought it was the coolest thing. A game that was done entirely with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? I wanted in on that! Besides, I had an original character - Noct - who I was trying (and failing) to figure out what to even do with. I loved the idea of him, but I was just drawing blanks. Sadly, I didn't like the noises or dialog in the GifyPet game, so I decided it was up to me to take the files for it, and rebuild the game to fit his character. This was the results of a day of hard work, and I'm really proud of the results!

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Website content is owned by LectroNyx, the one and only. Imitators best perish and despair. This page was last updated Apr 6, 2022