When the Darigan Citadel attacked Meridell for the second time, Lady Ordell had used the vast funds she had built up through selling potions to fund Kass' army and donated a significant amount of medical supplies to the cause. Near the end of the war, she was so passionate in her support that she had named her own child Kaz (pronounced Kahz) to be like the man she had come to idolize.
Kaz Ordell would grow up to be a healthy, strong man who would join the citadel's army and become a knight to help restore his family's reputation after his lonely mother refused to admit the former general's defeat. One day, while on a flight patrol around the edge of the citadel, a strong wind and an unfortunately placed floating rock injured his wing, forcing him to land in Meridell for the first time in his life. Surprised by the kindness of his family's sworn enemies, he hesitantly accepted their aid. After his injuries were bandaged, however, he refused to stay on the land - he bribed a knight's uni to bring him back home.
Home wasn't as nice as he'd remembered, however. The cursed lands and angry people had left him feeling sour. Surely, there were better places in the world than this. Somewhere more trustworthy than that Meridell, as well...
And he swore that he would find it.
Kaz is a darigan eyrie standing at 5'7", or 1.7m, and weighs 145 lbs. He has a thicker beak, and smaller rings around his eyes. His build is athletic, albeit on the slim side - his most muscular feature is his wings. He stands with upright, refined posture and a fairly light step. His eyes are a scarlet red with slit-shaped pupils, as per usual with darigan eyries. His cere is similar to the color of his feathers, albeit with a slightly more blue hue.
He typically wears a dark, heavily desaturated violet tunic with a gold trim. The chest is covered by a violet chestplate with a gold-bronze colored trim, scuffed from countless training sessions but not yet damaged in the heat of battle. His shoulders are covered by a dark beige cloak with a shaggy fur mantle. The neck of the cloak is held up by a gold chain with amethysts at both ends - simply put, he is well-dressed.
His pants are a bit less extravagant, lacking trim and nearing in color to his tunic. They're held up by a surprisingly plain-looking leather belt. He wears a pair of sandals with a design inspired by ancient civilizations long past, and his claws are well-trimmed.
He always wears two plain-looking earrings and two tail rings made of gold - even while asleep, given to him as gifts at a young age by his mother.
Kaz speaks with an almost regal tone and a surprising kindness to his voice. He sounds similar to Matthew Mercer, specifically as Chrom.
From a very young age, everybody knew there was something up with Kaz. He has an accidental stolidity, struggling to express his feelings in a way others can understand because he assumes it's obvious enough. As a result, it's rare to see much more than a neutral expression on him. That said, he has a significant emotional tell in his volume. When particularly anxious or afraid, he's been known to lower his volume, going just above a mumble at his most fearful. Excitement and fury, however, result in his tone raising - if he's especially happy, he won't even realize he's bordering on a shout. That said, he is still notably emotionally toned down - it takes a bit to actually get him worked up.
Perhaps because of his toned-down emotions, Kaz has a difficult time forming emotional attachments. He is willing to pick up and leave lives behind in order to start anew, often with little thought given to those he is leaving behind. While Kaz tries not to hurt others, at the end of the day, his actions are ultimately what he believes will make his own life better in the long run. As such, he's not above lying or manipulating whenever he feels it's necessary, and at the end of the day, his only true loyalty is to himself.
Kaz left home on a stormy night, eager to get away - however, he underestimated the strength of the wind. Before long, he'd been blown past Meridell to somewhere else! Confused and admittedly a bit lost, he took this as a sign that there's probably no going back.
Guradani - A childhood friend who moved to the Darigan Citadel at a young age from the land of Meridell. Kaz's best friend, despite his mother's objections.
Could be you! - More names will be added here as Kaz meets and makes new friends!
None yet... - ... But it's only a matter of time before that changes. More names will be added here as Kaz meets and clashes with more neopets.
As with most eyries, Kaz is fully capable of flight with his wings! His poor luck, however, often results in them being injured - sticking him square on the soil. It's nice while it lasts...
What good knight or noble doesn't know how to effectively use a foil, epee, or saber? One of his favorite hobbies is training foil, which helps his balance and is overall just fun.
Dark Magic
Kaz practices magic, casting spells wrapped in darkness using a tome he likes to carry around. While he could use spells from other books, he quite likes the one he has on-hand!
You don't see a noble who can cook too often, but Kaz always felt a good knight should be able to take care of themselves just fine! The food he makes is rich in flavor, made moreso by his tendency to use a lot of seasonings and spices.
A beautiful, sharp rapier that has been passed down through generations in the Ordell family. Because of strange, dark magic, the metal and embedded gems never seem to scratch!
A cursed magical tome with every word dripping in dark magic. They say it speaks to its user in dreams, and Kaz has little doubt - he has too many nightmares for it not to.
Ordell Armor
A set of armor gifted to Kaz by his mother. She says it makes him look like his father. He often watches his reflection in the mirror, wondering how strong the resemblance might really be.
Kaz's main themes are Septemburg A and Septemburg B
Kaz has never met his father, though there is little doubt that he may have been a member of the nobility. His mother claims his father was particularly influential - he wishes they could have met.
Kaz is a surprisingly great cook! He especially likes spicy food, but because he has a hard time tasting spice, all of his dishes seem to have a bit of a kick to them. His hottest dishes could be weaponized against those with average tolerance. Whenever possible, he always tries to serve his meals with a cup of hot tea as well.
The things that annoys Kaz most are loud people and loud noises. While it can be hard to really work him up, being consistently loud is the easiest way to do so.
Overly sweet food tastes disgusting to him, and as a result, Kaz will often try to avoid baked goods or anything with too much fruit in it.
Kaz is an avid fan of the arts. He likes to read any scrolls or books he can get his hands on, and he used to paint very often. His favorite painting he'd done was of a basket of flowers he had been growing for about a year.