It'd be quite wise of you to fear me, mortal.
... And yet, here you are, very much not trembling in fear. Is it because of my stature?
I do suppose I'm not half as intimidating as I once was, now that I'm stuck in this damned imp form. Well... Listen. I might not be the demon noble I once was, but I'm still not going to let you make a mess of this place. Apparently, it's my job, since I don't have to pay rent. Just keep your hands off of my scarf, okay? Things could get really ugly with my curse and all, so let's not ruin things for you, me, or the webmaster who's allowing me to stay in this abode.
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Website content is owned by LectroNyx, the one and only. Imitators best perish and despair. Party music by Kevin MacLeod.
This page was last updated Apr 7, 2022